Hello, I am Seremba Patrick

What I do

Front-End Development

I have a strong passion for creating visually appealing and interactive websites that provide a seamless user experience. My background includes a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as experience with popular frameworks such as React and Vue.js.

WordPress Development

WordPress is the Content Management System I use when a client needs a website up and running in a short period of time. As a WordPress developer, I have experience in developing, customizing, and maintaining WordPress websites. I have a strong understanding of the WordPress ecosystem, including themes, plugins, and widgets.

Back-End Development

I have worked on various projects involving database management, API development, and integration with third-party systems of an application using Java's Spring and Spring Boot with MySQL as the database to create high-performance applications.

My Work

Who I am

Web Developer; With The 'Can Do It' Attitude

I am a career-changer from being a biogas expert into the tech field as a software developer. I have a diverse range of skills and experience in both frontend and backend development. I have extensive experience with technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and, React.
On the backend side, I have experience with mainly Java programming language and Nodejs. I have worked with popular web frameworks such as Spring and Express.js. I am proficient in database design and management and have worked with both SQL and NoSQL databases.
Generally, I have a strong understanding of the full software development lifecycle, from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance, and am constantly looking to expand my skills and knowledge to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.
When I am not infront of the screen, I am at church for choir practises, reading a book or working out to keep my body physically fit.

My work

Check out my range of work